Exhibition News
There are just a few days left of the Summer Exhibition at Bluewater.
I’ve been out of the country for a couple of weeks and then I’ve been out of the county so haven’t been able to visit as much as I would have liked. When I have been there I’ve met and talked to a wide demographic of people, from sixth formers to pensioners. We’ve talked about art and other ‘stuff’. I’ve had some wonderful comments about my art. One young photographer was drawn my latest prints. They feature a vintage car.
1939 MG TB in painted in racing ‘Apple Green’.
© 2022 JulieAnn Atwal Photography
I got into a lengthy discussion with one person who repeatedly told me,
“I don’t believe that’s a photo!”
Sahara in a Raindrop
© 2022 JulieAnn Atwal Photography
It’s been so much fun to network with other artists and I have some more followers on my instagram. I’m still not up to the amount of followers my cats have, but then again they’ve been posting for just over 2 years now!
Thank you to everyone that has bought my work. You bought it because you really wanted it. And that’s how art works.