Drenched in Colour

I can’t help but blog about the pictures I took whilst on a late night walk in the grounds of Rochester Castle. It’s a favourite haunt of mine and on Tuesday evening the skies were spectacular.

I headed there with my fuji X100f and my trusty iphone 13. I like to mix and match these cameras. The iphone is arguably more versatile and when photoshopped almost matches the fuji but ultimately the fuji wins hands down for me with its gentle beauty.

I haven’t uploaded from my fuji yet and possibly should have done so I could put both in this post but you’ll have to be content with the pics below, all taken on the iphone and then treated in photoshop express.

I like dark, moody and atmospheric pictures and the natural light during sunset with looming storm clouds didn’t disappoint. I’m nagged by self doubt when I take landscapes. There are so may talented photographers whose pictures blow me away. I am inspired to make my own images and trust that they are uniquely my style which end up being rather bold and dramatic - a bit like me!

A flash of blue amongst dark clouds looming; torrential rain on the way. Sunset skies and storm clouds. Drought-scarred grass. And standing still amongst it all, as it has done for centuries, is Rochester Castle. Steadfast. Going nowhere. Silently watching; witnessing the summer rain.
— JulieAnn Atwal Summer 2022

Do Less Be More!


Under the Rainbow Summer Exhibition 9/8 -12/9 Bluewater