Do Less Be More!

I spent a weekend at the farm… exploring the theme of expansion…

I was away this weekend in August - immersing myself in embodied practice including creativity, movement, mindfulness and more.

For the creative explorer…the playful contemplation and anyone who wants to expand their consciousness in this beautiful natural environment…
— Dr. Tamara Russell PhD, D.ClinPsyche

Things happen at the farm - usually centered on the wisdom of an ancient tree called ‘Big Momma’.


I have been to this place before and sat and stood beneath her long limbs seeking solace, solitude and silent companionship. Trees are especially good for that don’t you think?

The last time I was here she (Big Momma) was naked and I found myself inspired to do a naked photo shoot which was transformational.

This time she was fully clothed in all her green glory, her leaves whispering in the wind.

On the final evening of the retreat, as day blazed towards night, I took part in an explosion of colour with the others.

An auspicious time.

August's Sturgeon Moon Gives Every Zodiac Sign an Opportunity For Gratitude. August may be a time for enjoying the summer sun, but it's also a time to appreciate the sturgeon moon, which presents a time to practice gratitude for what you have, where you've come from, and the nature all around you.


The Moon represents powerful feminine energy. It signifies wisdom, intuition, birth, death, reincarnation, and a spiritual connection. Moon cycles are similar to the cycle of a seed: the seed grows into a flower, then blooms, and then dies.

For a brief moment, beneath the sturgeon moon, we lost ourselves in a colourful riot of pure joy where life became surprisingly simple. We could just be.

Squeeze those water balloons!

It was the culmination of a weekend of creative exploration, challenge and healing through art.

Many deep emotions surfaced through the cracks as we expanded. Truths were exposed, sometimes sharp at the edges. Each of us had space to do as we pleased. Join in activities. Not join in. Sleep. Dance. Howl. Break rules. Not be judged.

For me, I loved wandering naked in the field next to my tent and laying in the sun, feeling the sun on my bum was a real treat.

Connecting with strangers is often a fraught experience as I struggle with what they will think of me on first impressions. I have learned not to care so much as I have become more confident but there will always be a part of me that is the little girl who does care.

Turns out when we got talking, and I mean really opening up, we all have stories, we all carry baggage and what I experienced was a wonderful supportive group of people who were more than happy to help you ‘unpack your bags and sort out your stuff.’


It is hard to live a life being continually guarded, we all need space to let down our shields sometimes.

My art, my creativity, my photography is how I navigate my way through life. To be amongst others that are on the same path is a joyful experience for which I will always be grateful.

Thank you Tamara and Trudi x


Stunning Holiday Location


Drenched in Colour