Under the Rainbow Summer Exhibition 9/8 -12/9 Bluewater
Yes, I am in another exhibition! It’s wonderful to be exhibiting with some friends and a whole host of very talented local artists. The venue is awesome. I’ve yet to find out where I’ll be placed inside the space. It’s huge! If you know Bluewater it’s in the Upper Rose Gallery within the shop that Topshop used to occupy.
I am so grateful to my friend Anne who is also exhibiting and she is a list maker. I am not. I need to be - with everything that has to be done. I’m the designated driver and will wield the tools when we hang our work. She will keep me on track so I have everything prepared!
Saturday morning. Collecting together some art for the exhibition. We need a Plan A and a Plan B. We won’t find out whether have been allocated wall space or a panel until the install day.
Expect plenty of posts about this, including hanging the work and the launch event. I shall be attempting to make a hat for the party…